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June 20, 2021 – Being Good Ancestors, Pt II (Legacies)

“The Brick Church”  / “The Brickless Church”


Good morning (or afternoon, or evening) and welcome to worship. The Brick Church Meeting House remains closed due to coronavirus response measures, and so we invite you to worship with us here — in the Brickless Church.

Whoever you are, wherever you may be (figuratively or literally), you are welcome here.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The First Church of Deerfield
Order of Worship for June 20, 2021

Whoever you are, wherever you may be on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


My Lord, What a Morning
as performed by Jessye Norman (1972)

Call to Worship

This morning marks the most ancient of feasts:
the longest of days, the shortest of nights –
although elsewhere, it is the reverse.
Winter is past, and summer is here.
Summer is here, but winter is coming.
God of all seasons, of shadow and light,
be with us on this day, in this light,
as we give thanks for the turning of the year.

1st Reading

Psalm 78, verses 1-8
as read by Liza Knapp

2nd Reading

2nd Kings 2: 1-14
as read by Tim Neumann


Rev. Liza B. Knapp

Prayer of Confession and Hope

God of the past, present and future:
Have mercy on us

For we have repeated the errors of our ancestors.
and have invented new errors of our own
and we have passed them on,
for our children to bear.

In our grief, we turn to you
remembering your mercy
and your steadfast love
to all generations.

We ask your forgiveness and your blessing,
Bless the past, bless the present,
and bless, O God, the days to come.


as performed by Sweet Honey in the Rock (1988)

Prayers of the People

June 20, 2021
Mary Dancer


We do not inherit this world from our ancestors;
we borrow it, from our children.

To make a donation to the First Church of Deerfield  (aka “The Brick Church,” aka “The Brick-less Church”), click here


Bless these gifts with your spirit,
that they may follow where it blows,
to those most in need of its refreshing touch.


May the God of our ancestors,
bless our days and our nights,
our winter and summer,
our past, present and future.

Bless the sun in its shining,
the earth in its turning,
the seasons in their changing,
and our lives in their passing,
from generation to generation,


Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Etta James (1983)