Deerfield Choral Scholars

Deerfield Choral Scholars 2016
The First Church of Deerfield offers a scholarship opportunity for high school singers: the Deerfield Choral Scholars. Students with a strong interest in music are offered weekly training and performance in choral singing within the context of a supportive and appreciative community setting. Interested students audition for placement in the Varsity (strong music readers) or Junior Varsity (undeveloped music readers) programs. The top ten candidates will be awarded a Music Scholarship to help support their study of music (music lessons, scores, camps, etc.).
Students accepted into the Varsity program will perform challenging repertoire with trained adult singers while improving their sight-reading and one-on-a-part singing as members of the Chamber Choir. Students accepted into the Junior Varsity program will develop their sight-reading skills and gain experience in preparation for advancement to the Varsity Chamber Choir. J.V. Choral Scholars will benefit by singing in the Full Choir with their more advanced Varsity peers as well as trained adult singers. Both choirs are multi-generational, and students will be drawn from public and private area high schools.
Students interested in auditioning should contact the music director, Dr. Thomas Pousont.