Whoever we are,
wherever we may be,
we worship this morning
on sacred ground.
For there is no place so large God’s love cannot fill it,
no place is so small God’s love cannot find it,
no place so lofty God’s love cannot reach it,
no place so lowly God’s love will not abide in it.
AFFIRMATION Each week of Eastertide, our worship includes an affirmation from a different part of our spiritual traditions. These words, from the contemporary Unitarian Universalist tradition, are an affirmation, not of common theology, but of common purpose.
We affirm that love is our greatest purpose.
Accepting one another is the truest form of faithful living.
The search for truth is our constant star.
We pledge our hearts, minds, and hands:
To challenge injustice with courage;
To find hope in times of fear;
And to live out our values every day
as a beloved community.
Thus do we covenant with each other and with all that is sacred in life.
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE May 2, 2021 shared by Mary Dancer
OFFERING“If anyone has the world’s goods and sees their sibling in need, yet closes their hand, how does God’s love abide in them? Little children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and in truth.” 1st Letter of John 3:17-18
(To make a donation to the First Church of Deerfield, or to donate to our Community Meal, see Announcements below.)
ANTHEM Ke Laolwa
(“I am led by the Spirit”) Deerfield Academy Chorus
May these gifts
be a sign of our gratitude,
that you are steadfast in your love;
and a sign of our intent,
to be more steadfast in ours.
May love bless us and keep us;
may love shine upon us and be gracious unto us;
may love abide in us,
and we in love,
this day and evermore,
We are pleased to welcome the members of the Deerfield Academy Chorus as our virtual guest musicians this morning. These student recently undertook a workshop under the guidance of conductor/arranger Steven Fischer, who has worked with both South African and American choirs. Today’s beautiful anthems are the fruits of that workshop. All the hymns and songs in this morning’s service originated in South Africa, and reflect its history and spirit of ubuntu and social justice. To learn more, we invite you watch this beautiful Lesson on Ubuntu, prepared by members of the Chorus.
A Request from the Mission Committee
The Mission Committee will again host a Community Meal on May 4 by rehiring Brad’s Place for $325.00. Unfortunately our MC budget lacks $197.55 to cover that sum. We are requesting that, if possible, you send a check to The First Church of Deerfield for whatever sum you wish and in the memo line please write: “For the Mission Committee’s Budget”. If we receive a surplus then the extra will remain in the budget for further use. As always, multiple thank yous for your attention and consideration to this worthy event.
If you have found spiritual sustenance at the Brick Church (or the Brickless Church!), and you would like to be part of our ministry and mission, we hope you will consider making a donation or pledge in support to the First Church of Deerfield.